How to earn money from blogging

Blogging is an ocean and there are thousands of fish to catch but most people do not know about it. Making money with blogging is quite easy but how much money you earn from blogging is more important. Here we are with eight different ways to earn money with Blogging.

8 ways to earn money from blogging

1. Google Adsense
This is the most popular way to earn money online with Blogging and it works great. Google Adsense is a network of advertisements that display advertisements on your website and share revenue with you. Yes, you are not fully paid for the advertisements shown on your site, Google takes a part of it. But this is the simplest method and most common among bloggers. After getting approval all you have to do is sign up for Adsense and place ads on your site. If your site has enough traffic then it will generate huge money.

2. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is the most profitable way to earn money online. This is not only with blogging but in general is a great way. What happens here is that you become a salesperson for a brand and you are paid a commission for that. But you have to generate sales first. So with blogging you can keep affiliate links to some products relevant to your site and your audience and you will earn a commission if a sale occurs. You can sign up for the most trusted platform for Amazon affiliates or any other of your choice and start making money.

3. Sponsored content
This is another way that can earn a lot of money for the work that you are already doing. Yes, you heard right, all you have to do is blogging and for this you will be paid extra. Sponsored content is content created by you for a brand that will pay you to do so. But to get brand sponsorship, you need to build an audience base. If you call enough traffic to your site, monthly visits from 20,000 brands will automatically contact you and pay you to write for them on your site. This is only a bonus way to make money because you have the rest of your ideas already working.

4. Selling Ad Space
If you are thinking, you have already placed Google Adsense Ads on your site, then this is an additional source of earning for you. Once your blog becomes popular for huge traffic, brands contact you directly to place their image / banner ads on your site. You can charge as much as you want for that ad space. To understand this, let us look at an example of the popular e-commerce site Amazon. If you visit the Amazon site or app you will see a lot of banner ads about upcoming and recent smartphones. In this way they make a lot of money.

5. Guest posting
Guest posting is posting content on other websites. But in such a way that others want to post on your site. You want to let others post on your website. But why would someone pay you and write for you too? Basically what they do is redirect the traffic coming to your site by creating a do-follow backlink from your site. This will increase their domain authority and improve their website in Seach Results. There are a lot of bloggers who charge huge amount of money to allow others to post and some people do it for free.

6. Backlinking
Guest posting is a great way to create Do-Follow backlinks, but some people charge only for direct backlinks. You like it and I will give you the link. You can charge a large amount to give backlinks to other people from your site. But here you need to be very cautious as you can earn huge amount but if you are linking to a malicious site, then it will spoil the image of your site. So be careful when linking others, check their website thoroughly first. Make sure you are not linking to an adult website.

7. Selling Products
Once your website is developed and you have a substantial amount of visitors to your blog, you can sell your product instead of displaying ads. You can also sell e-books, software, courses or any physical product. It can generate ever more revenue than any other medium on your site. The reason for this is that you are selling your own product, where you have control over all your costs and also no marketing costs. There are a lot of people making huge money online with their own products.

8. Selling Blog
You may not like this method but you can earn big money by selling your entire blog. Yes, it is possible that you can find suitable buyers for your site and sell them your blog. There are many people who create and develop many blogs. And after creating a suitable authority and having sufficient number of visitors, they sell their blog just for the exchange of money. Selling a blog may not be a right idea but if you have learned how blogging works then this is the ideal situation because you can get a huge profit to grow a blog. is an example where you can sell your site.

Blogging is not so easy but once you start making money with it, you just love Blogging. These are some common ways to earn money with blogging. Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing are commonly universally known and practiced but you can make money in other ways too. All you have to do is to put your effort in advancing your blog and only then you can enjoy the fruits of earning. We recommend you create an audience base and it will work for any method.


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