How to enhance smartphone's battery life

This Ways You Can Grow Battery Life Of Smartphones
If you are angry with your phone that why your smartphone's battery life is low then do not be fooled, you may have some mistake in yourself, and perhaps you can know by reading these tips.

Use the phone only when you need it
It is important to follow this point but it will not follow, because everyone has become a smartphone pandemic, even some people do not even need to be in their phone for a long time and without any work Turns on your phone that has become a habit of the phone, but if you want to extend your phone's battery life, then use your phone only when you need it.

Keep the temperature in mind
More temperature reduces battery performance, so keep your phone in cool temperature, using the phone in low temperature (below 30) will have better life cycles, more temperature (heat) damages the phone's battery quickly, If you use your mobile continuously in excessive temperature (more than 30) then the battery will become hot and the battery can be full.

Keep Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off
These 2 things remain on the smartphone for the longest time, they have a bad effect on your battery, which will reduce your battery life, if you want to extend your phone's battery life, turn on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi as needed. , Shut down if you do not need it, this will save your battery and keep your battery life good.

Keep Location Tracking (Services) Off
If you want to extend your smartphone's battery life, do not let the Facebook app like location tracking services run much more often, experts say that the Facebook app quickly eliminates your phone battery, because the user's location address is repeatedly used by Facebook users. So keep your Facebook app like Location Tracking app off in your phone.

Do not charge the battery again and again
Repeated charging reduces battery life, but some people do not believe it, even while charging, use your phone, which has a bad effect on the battery, charge the phone one time even your phone's battery Do not allow less than 20% discreet, so if you want to extend your phone's battery life, avoid charging the battery repeatedly.

Put smartphone's display on low brightness
Displays the highest expense of your smartphone in your smartphone. If you want to extend your phone's battery life, always keep the display on normal brightness, your mobile battery will last longer, if your phone's display becomes automatic brightness So in your phone you can turn on the option of automatic brightness.

Keep airplane mode active in mobile
Many times we have network problems and at the same time, away from the cellular tower, additional time will also be bad, if you are in a place where there is no network, then your phone has a greater effect on the battery. To avoid this, you can activate airplane mode in your phone, it is also called flight mode.

Do not charge over
If you want your phone's battery life to be good, do not charge over charging i.e., do not let your phone be less than 20 or 15 percent, before charging it, before charging the phone overnight or 90 and 100 percent Do not keep charging even when charging, people often sleep in the evening by charging their phone in the charging and the phone over keeps charging so that the battery can crack.

Do not charge mobile from computer, laptop
For some reason, the mobile charger of many people gets spoiled, lost or broken, then they know that computers can also charge the phone from a laptop, this damages the battery life of their phone, if you have your phone's battery If you want to increase the life, then do not charge your phone from computer or laptop if it is not necessary, it is better to bring a new charger by doing a little hard work.

Charging with your mobile charger
Some people go out on a journey with their friends and leave their charger at home, the phone gets disconnected, charging your phone with the charge of your friend, but you do not do it, if your friend's If you have a phone charger of your own company, then the battery life is low because doing this, so charge your mobile only with the charge coming with your mobile.

Keep streaming services closed
If you want to extend your phone's battery life, turn off streaming services when the phone is down, do not play online games, videos and music when the battery is low, if you do this then there will be a lot of pressure on your battery so that your phone The battery will end soon, if it is more important then play the music or video that is stored in your phone.


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