What is Internet Banking

In today's time, online banking permits you to do all the facilities of the house sitting bank through the internet, with the help of that you'll be able to sit in the house, anywhere in the form of money transfer, third party payments etc. Can do it. You can easily use banking facility on your computer, Laptop and mobile via the internet. We use internet banking to use the banking facility. In today's article we tell you about internet banking and other information related to it.

What is internet banking
Internet banking is a facility provided by the bank in which people can access the bank's all facilities through their home computer or mobile internet.

What can you do with internet banking
By using internet banking, you can take advantage of many banking facilities. What can you do using Internet Banking? Here you are being told about some work.
  • You can check the balance of your account.
  • You can check account activity and also see Account Summary (credit / debit).
  • Transfer money to any bank account.
  • Adding a new bank Account can transfer money to its account.
  • You can set any date for money transfer. On that day the money are automatically transferred to it account.
  • Online bill payments also can be done.
  • You can transfer the statement of your account in PDF format.
  • Internet banking can change the login password and the transfer password.
  • With the help of  Internet Banking, you can do online shopping.
  • If you have to pay any online payment on any website then you can pay using your internet banking on there.
  • Internet banking lets you open Fixed Deposit or Recurring Deposit Account.

How to start internet banking

Now you know what internet banking is and thinking about how to start it. To start Internet banking you have to follow the steps given below.

  • First of all, you should have a bank account and if not, open it to use it.
  • Now you need to go to your branch and update the email id and mobile number in the account so that internet banking can be activated.
  • When you go to the branch and fill out the net banking form you have to submit it, then you get a net banking kit from the bank where the user id and the password are given. Calling in some bank's Customer Care, you can apply for Internet Banking and Internet Banking Kit comes in your branch within a few days and you can take it there.
  • By using its red card and password given on the internet banking Kit, you can now login to your bank's website or app and take advantage of Internet banking facilities.

Tips for using internet banking Safe

While using internet banking, you must take care of some things so you'll be able to keep your account secure.

  • Regularly change the login password and transmission password of your account.
  • Do not share the login details of your bank account with anyone. The bank never asks you for any details from your phone or email.
  • Do not have login benefits in your bank account from a public computer such as a cyber cafe or an organizational computer.
  • Use antivirus in your computer.


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