What is a blog & what is the difference between website and blog

What is a blog?

The blog is like a journal where a person makes public his thoughts and experiences through internet. It does not need any programming information to make it, it can be made in a simple way through some services like Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr etc. Self Hosted WordPress is considered to be great and it is used most.

Used a few words for web blog like
Blogging- The task of writing a post for a blog is called blogging.
Blogger - This is the person who writes posts for the blog.
Blogfire - This is an online community for blogs and bloggers where they can publish their opinions.

To know the blog, she has some identities like
All posts on the blog's homepage are in the list.
All post categories are divided into categories, sub-categories, tags, methods and articles. Every post has a comment option.

Design of almost all blogs can be different but its structure is same. Therefore, it can be easily identified.

If we compare with the blog, then the website is a digital platform with no boundaries for design and structure. It is prepared by HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Python languages. Due to coding, it can be given any form and whenever it can be changed, whenever there is no such thing in the blog, there are some rules and changes can be made in accordance with that rule.

When there is no limit to its design and structure then it can be different. Most of the website is for information about company, organization, university. Big organization uses the website itself. The website contains such features that are not in a blog, it can also be used like a web tool. The blog can be a part of the website.

Some examples of website we tell you- Yahoo, Amazon, Wikipedia, Linkedin, etc.


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