What is the swift code and how to find your bank's swift code

What is swift code?

SWIFT's Full Form is Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication

Swift code is an international level bank code that helps identify any bank. Swift code is also called SWIFT number.

It is also called Bank Identifier Code (BIC). Like the IFSC code for identifying bank branches at national level, SWIFT codes are used for international recognition.

These codes play an important role in transactions in various banks, especially when it comes to international transactions.

These codes are used as Bank Identifier Code (BIC).

How to find your bank branch's swift code?

Follow the given steps to know the swift code of your bank branch.
The site https://www.ifscswiftcodes.com/Bank-SWIFT-Codes now open in a new tab
  • Choose country name
  • Choose the name of the bank where your account is
  • Choose the name of the state where you have an account.
  • Choose the name of the city
  • Now in that city, the bank branch in which you have swift codes will be able to choose you in the option of the branch. If this is the name of your branch, choose it or choose another branch nearby.
The page will now be reloaded and you will see the swift code of that bank branch.

Note: Not all bank branches have swift codes. If your bank branch does not have a SWIFT code, you can use the swift code next to another branch of your bank.


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