What is cloud storage & know its about benefits

There was a time when 2 MB of space memory was considered to be very large, but in today's time hundreds of GB or TB data is getting less memory. This change has a direct meaning that today people need additional memory to protect their every activity. Cloud storage is the best model of this changing era. It is being used very fast. Then we get to know about this -

What is cloud storage?
First of all, let me clarify that cloud storage is not hard disk, pen drive or memory chip, it is a data storage model based on computer network. In general, cloud storage is a technology where you can upload your documents, photos, music, videos etc. on the Internet and keep them safe forever. You can use this data from anywhere in the world through the internet.

Cloud storage has changed the definition of data storage. If we talked a few years ago, then we had only one floppy disk on the name of the data storage, where the storage space was low and the problem was over. After that, the CD has happened, the pen drive and the hard disk, but in this case, the loss of the drive leads to all data loss.

Due to all these problems, Cloud Storage came into being. Cloud storage is the model of computer data storage, in which data of optical fiber cable is stored in digital data, in which you can store your personal photos, videos and your documents.

This is a way of a large computer network, in which many computer servers get together, they are used in today's time. It's the same as your computer. Your computer also works like a server. But not much bigger in size and power, but in cloud storage, the computer in size and power is huge. In today's time the consumption of cloud storage is increasing. Looking at this, many companies offer you free and paid services.

Cloud storage services

Google Drive: One of the most used services. This feature will match you on Gmail. If you have an Android phone then you can use it. Android phones already have apps installed. Using Google Drive is very easy to login with your Gmail ID and you can then use it. You will get 15 GB free and after that you have to pay.

Drop Box: You can use it by software or application that is synchronized with your phone or computer via regular internet. So these are all more famous. It is available for free for Windows Phone, Windows Mobile and Android phones. You can also store your Android phone data in this app and back it up in desktop and windows phones. This drop box gives you cloud storage of less than 2 GB, after which you will have to pay. You must sign in with email to use it.

One Drive: Microsoft's interface of this service is quite simple, which is right for you, if you have never used cloud storage before, it is already available in Windows Phone or computer, while you are separate for Android You have to download from. It has free cloud storage available up to 10 GB.

Benefits of cloud storage

Cloud storage The biggest advantage of all is that you can use your information from anywhere, and we can access data from anywhere. The data we store in a mobile or computer can be bad at any point of time, and we will back up the data we store during cloud storage on automatic basis so that the data is not bad, so the cloud storage is a right There is storage

The best part about this is that the data remains secure without access to anyone without logging in and accessing cloud storage in our mobile laptop without access to space.


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