10 Ways to Avoid Diabetes

1. Exercise regularly: Exercise five times a week for at least 30 minutes each day to prevent diabetes. Exercises done in this way should be moving. That is, it can be done by walking, running or swimming.

2. Let's reduce mental stress: As stress increases, so does diabetes, so it is very important to control it. For that, yoga, meditation can be done. It can also be controlled by not sitting alone, hanging out with friends, talking. If you can't sleep at night, you can take medicine with the advice of a doctor.

3. Avoid Tobacco / Alcohol: Don't use tobacco as it can increase the risk of diabetes. Similarly, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages also increases the risk of developing diabetes and its use, so it is important to ban its use.

4. Eat a balanced and natural diet: Eat a balanced diet for diabetics. Eat natural fibrous food. That means eating two handfuls of grains, three or four pieces of meat, lentils, milk, yogurt, nuts and low-fiber vegetables. Don't go hungry, eat four times a day, but little by little.

5. Don't eat red meat / junk food at all: It is better not to eat meat at all. Don't eat red meat after eating, instead eat only white meat i.e. chicken and fish. It is better to eat fibrous vegetables than fish. Similarly, do not consume or control chips, cookies, biscuits, cold drinks and other substances.

6. Control Your Weight: Keeping your weight under control is important for diabetes. Being overweight or obese can lead to diabetes. Weight should be according to your height. Measure your height in centimeters and subtract one hundred from it. The weight should be the same as the rest. Similarly, when measuring roundness from navel in obesity, it should not be more than 90 cm for males and 80 cm for females.

7. Feed the pregnant woman nutritious food: If there is malnutrition during pregnancy, the child and the mother will also be affected by diabetes. Therefore, a nutritious diet is essential during pregnancy. Let's eat plenty of food including green vegetables, nuts, fruits, milk, curd. However, being overweight during pregnancy is also harmful. So stay balanced.

8. Don't eat sweets that stick to your tongue: Don't eat sweets that stick to your tongue with food. For example, don't eat sugar, sweets, ice cream, cold drinks. It works to increase the risk of developing diabetes. However, underground vegetables, fruits and tubers can be eaten.

9. Don't eat starchy foods too often: It is better not to eat starchy foods as they often contain trans fat (toxic fatty substances) and it is conducive to diabetes. Hotel and restaurant and factory-prepared meals and meals are high in trans fat. So to avoid diabetes, you should avoid such foods.

10. Get a health checkup once a year: A health checkup is mandatory once a year to prevent diabetes. As it is also hereditary, if parents and grandparents have such a problem, children and grandchildren can also see it. Therefore, a family member who has been diagnosed with the disease for 25 years and has not seen the disease for 40 years should be tested for the disease.


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